24 April 2014

Yesterday was my best friend's 2nd birthday.

By 2nd birthday I mean 2 years of sobriety. 2 years ago, my best friend Nikki was not doing very well. She had an alcohol addiction and it was eating her alive. She entered rehab and then transferred into a sober living facility. The turn around has been amazing and awesome to watch. I am beyond thrilled to see Nikki LeVasseur grow into a strong, beautiful woman. She lives out in California for the time being with her boyfriend. She is happy and healthy and I could gush about how proud I am of her until you all puke but that wouldn't be much fun  for you. Instead I will leave everyone with some even more amazing news about her. She gave me the awesome news about a month or so ago that her journey through being healthy has lead to her expanding her family and making me an aunt. Nikki and her boyfriend are pregnant! I am soooooo excited that someone I regard as a sister is having a baby. Our kids will get to grow up together and she will be an amazing mother! Now before you get a story I will leave you with a belly picture. Most of you probably don't care but she does and I do and our kids will get to share this one day.

Look at that little point! She is about 8 ish weeks (sorry Nik I can't remember exactly :/ ) Eek it's so cute!

21 April 2014

A Day At The Beach

Warm sand beneath my toes,
The waves crash and break
As the gulls try find free food,
Children laugh and sing
And the sun glitters off the sea.
I draw designs in the sand,
“I love you Scott,”
“Robbi and Javaneh”
All the while collecting shells.
The waves create black patterns as they retreat,
Gold flakes speckle every inch in sight
And seaweed lays out to dry.
A day at the beach is just what I needed
To soothe my soul and ease my mind.
My heart is happy as I smell the salty air
And watch the surfers dot the horizon.
I am happy as can be spending time with the sea.

22 April 2014

The Earth

I sit in my corner of this world
Thinking of all the things that amaze me.
Green palm trees swaying in the wind,
A blue spruce majestic in my lawn,
Dolphins jumping out of the sea to kiss the sky
And a lion cub playing with his dad's mane.
We live in a place where colors never die,
Our skies are blue and clouds lifted up high.
How amazing and wondrous,
How plentiful and spectacular!
Fireflies and fish with lights of their heads,
Gazelle jumping and lilies blooming,
Grass grows tall and butterflies flutter,
Thank God for this Earth,
Let's take care of it for each other.

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