13 April 2014

Spring time in Colorado really means winter is coming

I am watching Game of Thrones so I intended the pun but it is absolutely true. Spring in Colorado really just means that true winter time is in the air and flowers bloom through the frozen snow.

Last night my brother went to his senior prom! We took lots of pictures of him and he looked so handsome!

Here are a few pics:

Such a handsome boy! Anyway here are my stories!

11 April 2014


Swift breeze
Bright sun
Buzzing lawnmowers
Birds chirping
It's so grand
Spring is here!
Shimmering rays
Blossoms blooming
Kids playing
Kites flying
Sweet fresh world
Spring is here!

12 April 2014

The Fight

Two beetles lived nearby and often rubbed each other the wrong way. They would pass each other and smile then they would open their mouths to speak.

“I like the purple flowers,” said one beetle to the other.

“Those flowers are not purple! They are blue!” yelled the other beetle.

They went on this way for some time. They argued and argued about the color of the flowers. They got in each others faces and spat insults at each other about whose opinion was correct. As they continued to argue a bird landed nearby and began to observe.

“Beetles, did you ever consider that you are agreeing?” inquired the bird.

“Agreeing? Clearly we are not bird. Now fly off and let us go on arguing,” scoffed one of the beetles.

“Well little beetles, let's take a poll shall we? You say the flowers are purple,” the bird nodded at one beetle, “and you say the flowers are blue,” nodding at the other beetle, “I say the flowers are violet.”

“Outrageous!” screamed one beetle.

“Preposterous!” yelled the other.

“Now now beetles. You see it is all perspective. We see the same things differently but that does not mean they are the same. You are arguing about the same thing. Now why ruin a friendship when you just can't understand each other's perspective? Or any perspective for that matter?” bird stared at the beetles as they took in what the bird said.

“I suppose if the flowers look purple they could possibly look blue or violet,” said one beetle.

“I agree, thank you bird. Shall we go eat beetle?” the two beetles walked off together talking about the flowers and the bird flew off to observe more of the world. The bird enjoyed expanding how he saw things around him.

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