30 September 2014

No longer a Long.

Yesterday I got to partake in the wedding of one of my great friends, +Kristen. She married a pretty awesome dude and is now a Krueger! The day went so beautifully with only the tiniest hiccups (what wedding doesn't have those!) and now sh is blissfully married to the man of her dreams! She looked stunning and all of us bridesmaids (matrons? We are all married) felt so pretty! I am so happy for the two of them, she will make a wonderful step mother to his daughters and he will take excellent care of all of them. Out of all of this I got to make new friends and pay with a bunch of babies. Amber and Sam are two awesome people and fabulous mothers! They make me so excited to be a mommy one day!

I hop everyone is having a great start to the week and before I forget I finally heard from my brother! He is alive and well and hasn't wanted to fully quite yet since he started boot camp!

Have a good evening everyone!

She is probably the most photogenic baby I have ever met. She is also my new best friend :)

The bride getting ready!

All done getting ready!

I felt soo dang glamorous at this wedding!

Being goofy

And finally a cute one

Sam is awesome!

A cute picture...

Followed up with silly selfies

I just love this guy!

My hair!

Special thanks to Amber for this updo! 

28 September 2014

The Troll

There once lived three friends named Jayne, Kita and Krys. The three girls loved adventures and would often find mischief in the dark forest near their home. One fine day the dear friends ventured out into the forest, frolicking and horsing around, they stumbled upon a door in a tree. They decided to enter the door and see what inside. Jayne went first and was immediately captured by a hideous, evil troll. Kita and Krys ran towards the troll, throwing rocks and begging for Jayne's release from the troll's malicious grasp. As they pleaded and begged, Kita noticed vines hanging about inside the tree and she had a plan. She yelled at Krys to grab a vine near her, Kita grabbed another and the girls ran around the evil troll until it was tightly wound with no escape. The troll screamed and screeched at being caught after so many years of bad deeds. The vines squeezed and squeezed until the troll screamed no more. The three friends were together again to frolic the forest in peace, never having to worry about the evil troll again. The end.

29 September 2014

Henry VIII and His Wives

He was a prince,
The second born,
But then his brother died
And his father would be soon,
So he married the Spanish princess,
His brother's bride.
She was catholic Katherine,
He didn't care,
She bore him a daughter,
But not the coveted son,
It was his hearts desire.
Henry abandoned his wife,
Told the pope God had cursed him,
He found a new wife,
But first he had to divorce his first,
He parted with his catholic ways
And became the head of his own church.
After many years he fulfilled his promise,
He married Anne
After quickly knocking her up.
She spread an English bible
And shook up the idea of religion,
She too bore her king a daughter
and he soon became bored.
He found a new bride
Then found false reason
To cut off the head of the old.
Married and happy,
He wouldn't make Jane the queen,
First she must give him the son of his dreams.
This is what she did,
Too bad she could not live,
She died after birth but Henry got his son.
He needed more sons
So he married a German princess,
The Catholics who loved Jane were no amused,
Lucky for them neither was the king,
He ditched his new bride,
Also named Anne and labeled her his sister.
Wife number 5 would excite his loins,
She was very young and frivolous,
He knew they would have sons,
Too bad for him she could not stay faithful,
Sh too would lose her head
For her love of Culpeper.
He traded in that Catherine
For yet another Catherine.
This one would prove to last
And barely kept her head,
The king finally passed,
Leaving Edward, Mary and Elizabeth
To endure the treacherous succession,
Only the third would have made him so proud,
She wasn't the son he wanted
But rather the Virgin Queen of legend.

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