20 September 2014

Last day of summer!

Today is the last day of summer! I am sad to see summer go but so ready for fall! Today we are going up to see the leaves and take the truck for a spin! I hope everyone is having a pleasant Saturday. I know I am!

Pictures on Monday!

18 September 2014

The Door

I took my walk as I do everyday and as I breathed the fresh crisp air I felt the world shift. I opened my eyes and saw before me a door that right in my path. I looked about and walked around the door. It was green and only had a handle on one side. I shook off any doubt and grabbed the handle. On the other side I was greeted by a happy flying carpet. I threw caution to the wind and hopped right on the magic carpet. I flew through warm Arabian skies, watching lights twinkle below me from so high up. The stars glittered above and I could have flown forever but before me stood another door. I had such a grand adventure with the first one so I gladly opened the second. I walked out onto the scaly back of a fast running triceratops. With only horns to hold onto I gripped really tightly. Whooping and hollering, I galloped on the back on a dinosaur friend through the prehistoric lands. After my beast had a leafy lunch another door appeared within my sight. I grabbed the handle as fast as could be and was thrust into a watery land of mermaids and the sea. I had a pretty green tale and my hair floated around me like a halo of blonde. I was weightless and free dashing through the watery place of my dreams. Chasing fish and playing about with beautiful merpeople, I could not help but think of what the next door would bring me. It opened up all the lands of my childhood past. Maybe next I would dance in space or run with a cheetah, my mind was endless when I was young.

19 September 2014

The Soldier and His Girl

There once was a boy,
So handsome and strong,
He was a soldier,
With the world within his sight.
He was to leave so very soon
But not before everyone knew
He was in love
With a beautiful girl.
First they were friends
Yet an attraction was made,
He loved how tall and slender she was,
It was her smile that sold him,
She adored his sarcasm and perfect hair,
His kindness and caring heart
Is what shot the arrow from cupid.
They have a young bond
That boot camp can't break,
He is a soldier with his girl,
Even when he is states away.

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