04 October 2014

Brinner and more crab

Last night we drove out the middle of nowhere (Aurora) for our coveted brinner! Brinner is breakfast for dinner which sounds delicious enough but I make French toast and fry it in the excessive bacon grease we have leftover after making bacon. It is amazing! Scott, Dan, Robbi, Nakita and I ate like kings and then played Cards Against Humanity. If you haven't played it you should. It's hilarious! Tonight we are going to Ameristar for all you can eat crab legs and creme brulee because we can and because Nakita is leaving for boot camp soon. (Seriously military, can you stop taking my friends and family from me???) I hope everyone is having a good weekend! I will see you all on Monday! 

Go Broncos!

2 October 2014

I Was Born

I was born
And from the harsh
Earth I was flung
To live and breath
In a beautifully scary world.
My eyes take in
Things I love and
Some things I
Don't want to see.
Salty tears sting my eyes
With grief and anger
But many days
They swell
With joy at
All the stunning
Things on this
Planet that we exist.
Oh I was born!
And unto me was
Freshness, zest, a will
To stun and glow,
A will to bring a
Happiness to those
I see and touch
In this chaotic world
Of today.
So here I stand,
Born, alive
One of many
But one of a kind.

3 October 2014


Sage was a fat cat that loved to sit and meow for food. Over time she lost all of her fat and became a happy yard cat that loved to sit in the sun and catch garter snakes. A leaf fell from the tree and caught her eye. With as much stealth as a she could muster, which isn't much, she crouched to the ground and raced to inspect it. Flipping onto her back and slithering around the leaf, Sage figured out that the leaf was not much of a toy and went back to flicking her tail in the sun. She was awkward and unbalanced in all that she did, even when she cleaned her legs and belly. She was warm and joyful, pretty and content, at least until another leaf fell or the wind blew the grass a certain way. Then Sage got hungry and all the outside was lost. She sat at the door and meowed to be let in. With a slightly drunken looking stumble, she walked to the laundry room and took her fill of kibble then found her normal chair to be in a slumber for the rest of the day. 

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