17 August 2014

So happy it is football season!

The Broncos are looking good guys!!! This season will be exciting!!! I am super exhausted today and don't feel like writing much more but hopefully soon I will have some awesome news so stay tuned!

15 August 2014

My Mother

A force like no other
She carried me close to her heart
And worked so very hard
To bring me a happy life.
She taught me how to fold my clothes,
She braided my unruly hair
And spent many weekends under the stars,
Roasting marshmallows as we camped.
My mother filled many roles,
Nurse, teacher, enforcer, protector
And even father.
Many back breaking nights,
She fulfilled those roles,
Never once putting herself first.
She read us bedtimes stories
And made sure we knew
The importance of an education,
Always wanting more for us than she had.
She reminds me often how I changed her life,
She said I gave her purpose,
I was the meaning she needed.
Soon, she will have a new role
As I grow further into womanhood,
I will give her a gift that no one else can.
She made me who I am today,
I could not be more thankful,
I know I will make a good mother soon,
All because she was my role model from day one.

16 August 2014

Julie's Castle

Julie's uncle inherited a castle in Germany and invited his whole family to live with him once he had all of the rooms finished and fully furnished. Julie could not be more excited! Her uncle's old house was slightly drab and dull but she knew living in a castle would be an exciting adventure for the whole family. After months of waiting, everyone finally took the long trip over to Germany to stay within the castle. From the outside, the castle looked like something straight out of a fairy tale. There was a tall gate with the family's name on it and the gardens spiraled around in lovely designs just inviting Julie to run through them. Everything was a dream until they got inside. The inside was hideous! Julie's uncle had decorated this elegant castle like a modern disaster. There were uninviting modern couches, horrendous modern art and disturbing modern light fixtures. Julie was completely aghast. This was a 14th century castle that looked like a modern art museum had thrown up inside of it. To Julie, this castle was a disaster.

Mortified, she continued to explore the castle eventually coming upon an old book shelf with old books on it. Finally! Something that didn't look like modern garbage. Julie fingered through the books until she landed on one that said “A Castle's Style”. Intrigued Julie opened it up and saw the most extraordinary furniture fit for a fairy tale castle. Julie held the book up and closed her eyes imagining her room looked like the room laid out on the page. Julie sighed and put the book down. To her surprise, her room looked exactly like the book! She could not believe her eyes! She looked at the book and in fine print the book said, “Never should a castle look anything but regal. If you stumble upon a castle that looks like modern art please hold this book up and dream of something new.” Julie instantly knew what she had to do. She flew from room to room, redecorating and remodeling her family castle. When she reached her uncle's room she handed him the book, gave him a hug and told him to read the page she had read. Enthusiastically, Julie pranced from room to room. She now lived in the greatest fairy tale anyone cold imagine!

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