27 May 2014

Finally my Gone Girl review.

Where do I even start with this book? I guess I will start with Gillian Flynn's writing style. It flows onto the pages with so much ease that you can't help but continue to turn the pages and ingest the book until it is finished. I have been consumed by many books but I have never woken up and done absolutely nothing but read until the book was finished. Gillian Flynn is absolutely brilliant. When I was finished I really wanted to open the book back up again and reread the story.

Without giving anything at all away I will explain that the book is broken into 3 parts. Each part gives you a piece to the puzzle that is being put together. You start off the book absolutely hating one character, I mean really loathingly hate them. Suddenly events turn and you suffer from so much confession that your brain starts yelling "WTF is going on? What a liar! What a manipulator!" Suddenly your feelings of rage and anger shift to the other main character. Suddenly you realize that you have never even considered someone being so malicious or so evil. Your brain just tries so hard to comprehend how the hell everything in this book is happening to the very last word.

Now, most people HATED the ending, my husband included. If I remember correctly his exact words were, "Are you f****** kidding me?" he said the book was great and the ending just wasn't. Several other friends said the same thing so I finally caved and read the book knowing how much people hated the ending. I think this made me love it! I honestly could not imagine a better ending. The psychopath throughout the whole book gets their last word. OF COURSE they would get their last word. Frankly, the two main characters deserve each other. One is a narcissistic, emotionless asshole while the other is straight up sociopathic and terrifying. They both are horrible people and both play each other in horrible ways. To me this ending was the perfect way to explain the mentality of the craziest character I have ever read about. 

I strongly suggest you read this and keep your mind open to the ending. When you read it think of the personality of the characters before you judge the final words. I will definitely be reading more of Gillian Flynn's works. She is simply brilliant.

Now that I have described one excellent story I am humbled to share two more of my short stories. Hope everyone had a great Memorial Day weekend

25 May 2014

Scott and the Intruder

“Scott! Scott! I think there is an intruder in the house? Scott call 911!” my wife whispered with fear in my ear.

I shot awake in the middle of the night because my wife woke me up to tell me there was an intruder in the house. The only problem is she was murdered by an intruder 2 years ago. She was home alone while I was away for work and someone broke in thinking we were gone. The police said it was a robbery gone bad. I sat in bed sweating and trying to figure out what was going on. I heard her like she was sitting right next to me in bed. I felt her hand shake my shoulder and I felt her warm breath on my face but she wasn't here. That's when I heard the window break.

I moved from our old house. I just couldn't deal with her loss in that home. I also couldn't sleep any longer without a shotgun next to me. Was I really being victimized by an intruder again? I could not believe this. I also couldn't believe how eerily I was woken up. I sat on my bed and waited. When the footsteps got closer I pumped my shot gun and the shuffle of feet stopped but didn't leave.

“I will shoot you if you don't leave in 5 seconds,” I yelled then started counting.

Once I quickly reached 5 I shot and called 911. There was a little bit of blood in hallway that the police took. This is where things got weird. The police found the man who broke into my house. His finger prints matched the prints from the night my wife was murdered. The man was in utter shock when he found out he had targeted the same family for a second time. He told the officers that he had a dream where a woman whispered in his ear to go to my house. I can't help but thinking that my late wife saved my life and helped catch her killer.

26 May 2014

Memorial Day

An extra day off from our daily jobs,
We sip our beers and grill some brats,
We enjoy the start of our summer fun.
As we sit and enjoy our weekend
Take this time to reflect further.
Wives lost husbands in WWI
Then lost their sons in WWII.
Men never came back from Vietnam
And the ones who did,
Were later lost to Agent Orange.
Afghanistan saw grandfathers
Send off grandchildren and never get hem back.
Since the American Revolution
We have lost brave men and women.
They gave their lives to protect our freedom.
This is our day to thank them for their sacrifice,
To commend them for their service,
To support them for defending our great land.
As the saying goes:
All gave some, some gave all.
Happy Memorial Day

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