20 February 2014

The world could use some more kindness and respect.

The news is so depressing. A violent rapist is on the run. More kids are committing suicide because of bullies. People all over the world are hating each other and killing each other. I understand that is a part of life but at home we don't have to be like that. Kids need to learn respect. They need to befriend others and not bully others. Parents don't require kindness from their children, they don't demand respect from their children, they don't spank their children or teach them discipline anymore. We should not be losing our children to perverts and bullies. Ugh, now I am just ranting about all the wrongs in the world that I cannot right. I just know that when I have kids I will teach them the best I can to respect others and to be confident in themselves. I want them to be strong enough to not listen to bullies and strong enough to stand up to bullies. I want them to be kind and not selective when it comes to friends. This world is so cruel I just want my kids to be happy and healthy.

With that said here are my stories! Love you all!

18 February 2014

The Adventures of Super Buddies

The wind was blowing like the Zeus was spitting it himself. The sky was black and the trees were tossing around, weak to the wills of the vicious winds atop the mountain. Nakita and Javaneh were holding their hands together, wrapped around the base of a tree. The wind was whipping them around like they were nothing but that wasn't going to stop the Super Buddies from their task at hand. Their was a cat at the top of this tree on top of this mountain and they needed to save it.

They had been trying to save this black cat all day. It had first run out into the road and the Super Buddies managed to shoo it away from oncoming traffic. They tried, time after time, to coax the cat to them but she was not having it. She ran to the mountains, found the tallest one with the tallest tree and perched herself high above Nakita and Javaneh's short grasp.

That is when the wind picked up and the lightening started. The Super Buddies, who helped animals in their free time and sang about it, knew they had to bring the black cat home. As the cat clawed the tree to stay put, the Super Buddies used their powerful massage therapist muscles and runner's legs to climb the tree. Javaneh climbed on Nakita's shoulders to reach the first branch and then used her legs to swing Nakita up. They took turns doing this until they almost reached the top.

“Okay Super Ninja,” said Javaneh using Nakita's nickname, “I will climb up to the next branch and hope the cat doesn't to jump. I will grab her.”\

“Awesome Pajamaneh!” exclaimed Nakita using Javaneh's nickname, “Once you grab her I will hold my backpack open and we can set her inside and take her home!”

“YES! SUPER BUDDIES UNITE!” they both yelled as the cat yowled and the wind twirled.

Nakita distracted as Javaneh climbed up behind the cat. Quickly, Javaneh snatched the black cat and Nakita opened the bag. The cat was so stunned that she couldn't react fast enough and was placed in the backpack.

“Okay let's go before the wind carries us away!” yelled Javaneh.

The Super Buddies rushed down the tree and ran down the tallest mountain all the way home. When they opened the backpack, the little black cat was curled in a ball sleeping. They placed her in a bed and gave her some food and water.

“That was a close one Pajamaneh!” said Nakita as she sunk into the couch.

“Ya it was Super Ninja, now we need to go save all those dolphins and orcas at SeaWorld!” said Javaneh.

“Sure sure, but first let's get a Starbucks.” the Super Buddies made off to ever popular coffee chain to make plans on how to bust out all the scared animals of the world. For now, all was right in their world.

19 February 2014

The Rabbit and The Frog

In the wooded forest lived a rabbit and a frog. Both thought they were the bees knees of the forest who could hop the highest and the furthest. They were also incredibly vain and competitive. The woodland creatures were constantly having to judge a plethora of games the rabbit and frog competed in together. At first everyone loved it but now the competitions were getting exhausting.

One day hummingbird overheard rabbit and frog arguing about who could jump the highest AND the furthest. Quickly she zoomed off and told all the other creatures to hide so they wouldn't get suckered into judging yet another nonsense competition. Rabbit and frog looked far and wide and couldn't even find a slug to be there judge!

“There is no one around so we will just have to judge for ourselves!” barked rabbit at frog.

“Fine! The best jumper will have touched that brunch,” growled frog pointing at a branch a couple feet high, “ and outlast the other in a race.”

“You must reach the branch before beginning the foot race! May the best rabbit win,” rabbit winked at frog.

“On your mark!” yelled frog.

“Get set!” rabbit screeched.

“GO!” they both said and off they went! Both hit their marks on the tree and were head to head jumping, hopping and running through the forest, keeping a shrewd eye on the other. Faster and faster they went, jumping over logs and avoiding trees but not particularly paying attention to what was ahead. That's when hummingbird, who was watching quietly from the tops of the trees, noticed the cliff that frog and rabbit were about to run off.

“Frog! Rabbit! Stop! There is a cliff! Stop!” yelled hummingbird as loud as she could.

“Ha! Hummingbird is cheering for me!” gloated frog.

“No I heard Rabbit not frog, she is cheering for me..” Rabbit began to say.

“Dangit guys I told you to stop you idiots!” said hummingbird.

Frog and rabbit jumped their greatest jump, directly off the cliff in the forest. Neither was ahead or behind, they fell off at the same time. Both jumped off that cliff without ever determining who was truly the best. At first the woodland creatures were sad. They said their goodbyes then forgot about frog and rabbit, never thinking back about the stressful days of the overly competitive duo. 

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