08 February 2014

Birthday dinner tonight with friends!

I am having so much fun rocking out n my kitchen to music! You guys will get to read a new lyrical story from my recent playlist in 2 days! Get excited!!!!!! I am gonna finish cleaning and getting ready to get fawned over tonight :)

6 February 2014


Happy as a clam, Spark was happy little fairy. She loved to zip around and fly through the air. As happy of a creature that she was, Spark was a lonely fairy. She could fly all day and spread fairy dust around the world but she gave an electric shock to everything she touched. No one wanted to be around her because they didn't want to be hurt by her.

She was named for this electric shock and partially because of the sparkle that is always in her eyes. She did talk to other fairies and even had a few friends but none that would close enough to have secrets with. One day she was floating about the lily pond sprinkling fairy dust on the flowers. Her friend the toad was sitting at the edge of the pond waiting for her.

“Hello Spark! The flowers look beautiful today! They will attract lots of bugs for me to eat. How are you?” said toad

“Oh toad,” sighed Spark, “I hate being a broken fairy. I just want to make friends and hold hands and share secrets. I don't want to hurt people, it's awful toad.”

“I'm so sorry Spark that is terrible. You look so happy I didn't know you didn't have any friends. What if you wore gloves. Couldn't one of the other fairies make you some gloves?” Toad had a very good point. Fairies had many skills and making things was one of them.

“Toad if I could kiss you without shocking you I absolutely would! I will give you a special gift if this works. I love you toad!” with that Spark zipped off to speak with Mother Fairy. She helps anyone who asks.

Mother Fairy considered Spark's request and told her to come back the next day. Spark was thrilled. She daydreamed the whole day about flying hand in hand with friends, patting animals, touching plants and just plain being close to the world. The next day, bright and early, she went back to Mother Fairy. All along the way she was spritzing fairy dust all around the pond.

“I made you some special gloves. You will wear them always and they will block your shock but not your fairy abilities. Now put these on and I will sprinkle them with my powerful fairy dust,” Mother Fairy put the gloves on her table and motioned for Spark to put them on.

“They are so pretty Mother, thank you!” Spark watched as Mother Fairy sprinkled fairy dust on her new gloves.

“Just remember to keep them on all the time or the fairy dust will not work. The best part is they change color. If your mood is pretty, your gloves will be pretty, if your mood is ugly, your gloves will be ugly so stay happy my lovely Spark. Now go and spread your joy around,” Mother Fairy gave Spark her first hug and let her be on her way.

Spark was thrilled to have her new gloves and the first thing she did was go to toad and thank him. She snuck up to toad and tapped him on the shoulder. Toad turned around and was shocked but not by Spark's touch, rather by her lack of a shock from her touch.

“Spark! You touched me and it didn't hurt! Your gloves are beautiful I am so happy they worked,” said toad with as much enthusiasm as he could muster.

“Yes and it is all thanks to you. Now I promised you a gift. First of all my gift is being your fairy. I will be your best friend and help you with everything you possibly need,” she gave toad a giant hug and he hugged her back, “last but not least toad I made you something. I made you the most glorious crown. You are such a handsome toad and now I deem you king of all the toads! You are now King Toad”

King Toad was beyond excited for his new crown and his new name! Spark sat on King Toads back and he took her around the lake to tell everyone both of their good news. The other fairies and toads were so happy for the new friends. They cheered and hugged Spark. All was happy in the pond.

7 February 2014

The Cow Who Sneezed and Lost Her Spots

Everyday the cows grazed the pasture eating all the luscious green grass they could get their flat teeth on. Their lives were pretty mundane but they didn't know any better and thus they were happy. One day the wind began to wisp around them, swirling pollen from the trees and flowers all about. This caused the cows to start sneezing. Suddenly one cow sneezed with so much force that all of her spots shot off her body like dust and disappeared into the bright blue sky.

All the cows were in awe. None knew what to do or what to think. They had never seen a cow just lose its spots and go completely white. The cow looked herself up and down. She lifted her legs, shook her head and still no spots. The other cows sniffed around her and looked all over the grass, careful not to eat her spots. Even the birds circled around to help look for the spots.

Eventually Mr. and Mrs. Farmer came out to inspect what all the ruckus was. They saw their spotless cow and couldn't figure out what had happened. They called the vet who called other vets. Scientists were called and then the press. People came from far and wide. Some were curious onlookers others were religious and wanted to see the white cow.

All of the new fame for the cow brought fortune to the farm. Mr. and Mrs. Farmer upgraded all of the farm and made the animals even more comfortable than they already were. They got more feed, more toys and more attention. The interest in the cow didn't last too long but all of the farm animals loved everything they received from all the gawking people. All because a cow sneezed and lost her spots.

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