June 2014
Into Manholes
children we were always into exploring. We had wild imaginations and
could play and play until the sun went down. Darren and I, one day as
pre-teens, got the brilliant idea to grab skateboards and hope into a
manhole with our two cousins, Andrew and Dominic. With helmets on our
heads and lights strapped on top, we got in the manhole. Laying on
our bellies on our boards we followed the pipes down holding each
others feet. Darren was in front, Andrew was behind him, I was behind
Andrew and Dominic was in the back. We made Dom be in the back,
despite him being the youngest, because he was the biggest of us all
and Darren was in front because he was second biggest. We went down
the tunnels for one reason and one reason only. We dared each other.
We wanted to be scared. We wanted to find a creature or a bum below
the manholes. The whole way down we giggled and occasionally screamed
as we worked our way down to the next manhole. We finally made it to
a big open area with a couple of directions we could go. We chose to
go out of the tunnel and see where we were on the hill that the
initial manhole started at. We were at the very bottom of the hill.
We found no vagrants, no creatures, nothing scary just a good time
and maybe a few mice.
June 2014
The Survivor Is...
sat in silence, hands bound and gag in her mouth, just listening to
the car ride. She was in the trunk and could not see what was going
on. She had been walking home by herself when something hit her in
the back of her head and she woke up in the trunk. She had managed to
get her hands untied just as the car rolled to a stop. She could hear
the door open and shut and footsteps crunching on dirt and rocks. She
positioned herself so she could jump out when the trunk opened. She
knew she only had a second and she hoped whoever took her didn't have
a weapon in hand. She listened as the key turned in the trunk and
popped open. As soon as the trunk was fully open she jumped with a
force that she never knew she had. She kicked the man who opened it
square in the chest, knocking him down.
bitch!” he screamed as she took off running, “get back here!”
ran as fast as her feet could carry her. When she thought she was far
enough ahead she stopped and looked around, catching her breath. She
found a thick branch and waited.
here girl! Come out and I won't hurt you... badly,” the man angrily
chuckled as he walked the woods looking for her.
she thought she could hear him on the other side of the tree she
swung around and hit him in the side of the head with the branch. He
fell to the ground but grabbed her as he fell. The two wrestled on
the ground grunting and screaming. He had a gun in his hand and both
were trying to gain control of it. One of them got control and shot.
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